Why can't I add more stops or create new trips?

You'll always be able to view your saved trips, however, your membership level determines which trips you can add more stops to and whether or not you can create new trips. See a couple examples below.

  • If your saved trip has 70 stops and you have a Pro level membership, you could view the trip but would need to upgrade to Premium in order to add more stops to the trip.
  • If you used to have a Premium membership and now you have a Pro account, you'll be able to view the trips you created while your Premium membership was active but if you already have more than 5 saved trips, you will not be able to create any new trips.

If you have more saved trips than the number included with your current membership level, you would need to upgrade to create additional trips or delete old trips to make room for new trips.

See below for how many waypoints and trips are included with each membership level.

Membership Level # of Waypoints # of Trips
Premium 150 stops per trip Unlimited trips
Pro 50 stops per trip 5 trips
Basic 20 stops per trip 3 trips
Free 3 stops per trip 1 trip

If you'd like to upgrade your membership, you can learn how to do that here.

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